Thursday, April 23, 2009

Welcome Home

It has rained twice in the past six months, mostly snowed. But, today we got in the car to drive home to meet the boys and it was raining! Welcome home RAYNE! As we drove through the pouring rain and the fields were turning from a brown crisp grass to a lush green I stopped to be thankful. Thankful that Rayne would bring so much abundance into our lives. I am thankful that we waited. The rain seemed all the more sweet.

Rayne, a little nervous over the initial odd feeling of being buckled into a carseat and moving backwards at 70 mph, held my hand tightly, peered over the back of the seat to make sure we were there, and then fell into a deep sleep. After all, it was her middle of the night.

We pulled into our driveway, where a brightly colored Welcome Home Rayne sign hung on our porch. Rayne was wearing a red ribbon in her hair. Nathan, after reading a favorite book, has always imagined his sister coming home with a red ribbon in her hair. We woke Rayne from the deep sleep and carried her inside. The boys met us with excitement and love. They were both excited to see us after 10 days and beside themselves to see their new sister! In her glazed over exhaustion, she managed to smile at her brothers and play for a few minutes. A bath, some fresh jammies, some warm milk, and headed for bed. As I held her tight in a cradle position, which was so hard a few days earlier, I looked her in the eye and told her she was home. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep in my arms.

The next morning, she woke and drank a warm bottle of formula. The bottle it is!

Excitement ran through the house. Nathan, who has been waiting half his life for Rayne, was thrilled. Consistent with who he is for all of us, he would begin to make Rayne laugh today. She cooed, she babbled, she smiled. We all felt an excitement to be together – the five of us.

Peace ran through the house. Caleb laid sweetly next to her, with his head next to hers. He held her tightly on the couch, and confirmed our suspicions that he would be an incredible presence and big brother for Rayne. We all felt a peace – the hole that had been waiting and longing has been filled and we were all together – the five of us. It is good.


  1. what JOY!
    We rejoice with you.
    lovely lovely lovely images
    we cannot wait to meet you, Rayne.

  2. Rach, Jeev, this is beautiful. So, SO beautiful. Oh, my heart is full, and my soul and my spirit. Our God is good. Your daughter is beautiful. Everything is as it should be. Congratulations!

  3. I'm beaming from ear to ear good. Thank you Lord!

  4. These experiences and your story are wonderful. What beautiful writers you are! A nice way to spend my rainy Saturday....reading this blog. :)
    The photos are great, too. My heart is overflowing with happiness for your family and friends. Love it!
    Cyndie and the Vasquez gang.
